Who I Am and What I Do
My Background

The Energy Nurse
Reiki Master + Certified Full Spectrum Doula, DTI
" I am healed, I am capable, I am strong, I am fearless"
-Xiomara Elena, The Energy Nurse
My name is Xiomara, aka The Energy Nurse, and/or Titi Doula, welcome to The Purple Purpose! The Purple Purpose started off, as a team name I created when I joined to walk with The Lupus Foundation of America. After going through many obstacles and setbacks, both mentally and physically, and being diagnosed with Lupus, I was starting to give thought to giving up. In October of 2017, as a result of everything that had happened, and the toll it had taken on my body, I decided to take my healing into my OWN hands. I began to research, and started to heal myself naturally and holistically. I started The Purple Purpose, to share my journey and testimony, live and raw, as I began to educate and heal myself. It's far from easy, but I am dedicated and motivated, and have the BEST support system behind me. I realized that the more I educated and healed myself, the more I started to discover my true purpose. I firmly believe that I was called on this earth to help others heal, feel good, and manifest into the highest versions of themselves. In June of 2019 I became a Reiki Practitioner, and in November of 2021 I became a full spectrum doula. I gave birth to my beautiful daughter in 2011, after having a high risk pregnancy, and nearly loosing my life post delivery. I was not educated on the maternal birth risks minorities faced, and so much more, so I decided to become a doula to advocate, educate, and support others during such a precious time. In February 2022 I became a Reiki master. I turned The Purple Purpose into a brand. A brand that not only reflects me as a person, but reflects the journey to healing. Healing is not linear, it's never too late to start a new lifestyle. Healing starts from within.
"Our bodies are our temples, so we must treat them as such.
Be kind to your mind, be patient with your body, and walk boldly in your spirit"
-Xiomara ​